Objective: To obtain a satisfying job in Computer Services that is challenging, and allows me to further increase my knowledge.
1990- New Jersey Institute of Technology. Bachelor of Science: Computer and Information systems. The curriculum at NJIT is preparing me to understand and adapt quickly to the ever changing computer industry. I have been given a comprehensive education in programming, as well as operating systems and hardware. GPA: 3.47
Previous Employment:
June 1996- Information Products, Parsipany, NJ 07004 Present Assembly of PC workstations and servers. Installation of various software suites. Work with both Netware and Windows NT host/client networks. Maintenance and upgrading of workstations and servers. March 1996- RAM Computer Innovations, Nutley, NJ 07110 June 1996 Worked extensively with PC hardware including the upgrading of many older model Computers. Installed Video and sound cards, as well as modems, CD-ROM's, hard drives, tape drives, ethernet cards and new motherboards. Worked in multiple platforms including Dos, Windows3.1, Windows95, Unix, Netware, and OS/2. June 1995- Zaxcom Audio/Video, Midland Park, NJ 02342 September 1995 Purchasing and installing various computer components. Maintenance on Novell 3.12 server. Work in both Dos and Windows.
Garden state scholar.
Member of the NJIT Albert Dorman Honors College.
Hobbies: Tennis, Bowling, on-line gaming, programming.
References: Available upon request.